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-The Grandfather of Chicano Literature-
Rudolfo Anaya's New Mexico
Welcome and Bienvenid@
This website is a celebration of the life and work of New Mexican author Rudolfo Anaya (1937-), widely considered the grandfather of Chicano literature. The mission of this website is to serve as a comprehensive online resource for researchers and students who wish to learn more about the author, his life, and work. This site hosts a digitized sample of the Rudolfo Anaya Collection that is housed at the Center for Southwest Research at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. From its contents I have included digitized reproductions of photographs, poetry, short stories, manuscripts, and promotional materials. Additionally, this website offers context to understand Anaya and his works: a biography, an encyclopedia of terminology, a complete catalog of his published works, and various maps that emphasize the importane of place in his work. Additional materials are being added on a regular basis, so please check back often to see what's new on the site.
"Our poet of the llano and the barrio."
Tony Hillerman
"I am so inspired by your books that I ought to know the 'llano.'"
A letter from a student of American Literature at the University of Stuttgart
Letter to Rudolfo Anaya from J.V. 9 July 1987. Box 13, Folder 15. MSS 321 Rudolfo A. Anaya Papers, University of New Mexico, Center for Southwest Research, Albuquerque, NM. 26 May 2016.

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